FROM PROJECT INCEPTION TO SHIP DATE: complete solutions for audio production.


  • Music Composition & Production

    I create cutting edge interactive music scores - think adaptive authoring combined with traditional recording styles. I use live instruments and enjoy working in the analogue domain, though can happily fall back to working 100% ‘in the box’.

  • Sound Design & Integration

    I bring worlds to life with a proven approach to sound design and implementation. My credentials include shipped titles using various combinations of Unity, Unreal, FMOD, Wwise, and custom-designed solutions.

  • Audio Direction

    Need an expert who can manage all your audio needs? I will confidently take ownership of your project’s entire audio pipeline, working calmly and professionally with other creative leads. The clincher? World class audio results.

  • VO Production & Localization

    I have great working relationships with voice casting and production teams in LA, London and Australia. I am also experienced in managing content localization and VO translation.